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2021年度(令和3年度) 2020年度(令和2年度) 2019年度(令和元年度) 2018年度(平成30年度)
2017年度(平成29年度) 2016年度(平成28年度) 2015年度(平成27年度)2014年度(平成26年度)
2013年度(平成25年度) 2012年度(平成24年度) 2011年度(平成23年度)2010年度(平成22年度)

= 2021年度 令和2年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

小野高裕:2. 咬合と口腔機能の評価.1-咬合の評価,2-舌機能の評価.老年歯科医学 第2版(森戸光彦, 山根源之, 櫻井 薫, 羽村 章, 下山和弘, 柿木保明 編), 221-227, 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2022 Mar.

小野高裕:第7章 診察, 検査, 診断. V. 診断と治療計画の立案.無歯顎補綴治療学 第4版(市川哲雄,大川周治,大久保力廣,水口俊介 編), 90-97, 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2022 Feb.

小野高裕:10. サベイイングと設計. パーシャルデンチャーテクニック 第6版(大久保力廣, 岡崎定司,馬場一美, 山下秀一郎, 横山敦郎 編),78-81, 183,医歯薬出版,東京,2021 Sep.

Uehara F, Hori K*, Hasegawa Y, Yoshimura S, Hori S, Kitamura M, Akazawa K, Ono T: Impact of masticatory behaviors measured with wearable device on metabolic syndrome: cross sectional study. JMIR mHealth and Health 10(3):e30789, doi: 10.2196/30789, 2022 Mar.

Yoshimura S, Hori K*, Uehara F, Hori S, Yamaga Y, Hasegawa Y, Akazawa K, Ono T: Relationship between body mass index and masticatory factors evaluated with a wearable device. Scientific Reports 8;12(1):4117, doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08084-5, 2022 Mar.

Marito P, Hasegawa Y*, Tamaki K, Sta.Maria MT , Yoshimoto T, Kusunoki H, Tsuji S, Wada Y, Ono T, Sawada T, Kishimoto H, Shinmura K: The association of dietary intake, oral health, and blood pressure in older adults: a cross-sectional observational study. Nutrients 17;14(6):1279. doi: 10.3390/nu14061279, 2022 Mar.

Murakami K, Hori T, Uehara F, Salazar S, Ishihara S, Nakauma M, Funami T, Ono T: Effect of maximal voluntary tongue pressure and mechanical properties of gels on tongue pressure production when squeezing gels. Food Hydrocolloids doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.107323,  2022 Mar.

Murotani Y, Hatta K, Takahashi T, Gondo Y, Kamide K, Kabayama M, Masui Y, Ishizaki T, Matsuda KI, Mihara Y, Fukutake M, Nishimura Y, Akema S, Hagino H, Higashi K, Togawa H, Maeda Y, Ogata S, Moynihan P, Ikebe K: Oral Functions Are Associated with Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Old-Old Japanese. Int J Environ Res Public Health 15;18(24), 2021 Dec

Murakami K, Hori K, Yoneda H, Sato N, Suwanarpa K, Sta Maria MT, Marito P, Nokubi P, Ono T: Compatibility of two types of gummy jelly tests for detecting decreased masticatory function. Gerodontology 2022;39(1):10-6, 2021 Nov.

Ogawa M, Sugiyama T, Ohkubo M, Hori K, Ono T, Ishida R: Clarification of the aspects of tongue-palate contacts during mastication with/without stage II transport. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 48:1252-1261, 2021 Nov

Fushida S, Kosaka T*, Nakai M, Kida M, Nokubi T, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y, Ono T, Ikebe K: Lower Masticatory Performance Is a Risk for the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome: The Suita Study. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2021.752667, 2021 Nov.

Fukuoka T, Ono T, Hori K, Kariyasu M: Effects of Tongue Strengthening Exercise on Tongue Strength and Effortful Swallowing Pressure in Young Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65(5):1686-1696, doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-21-00331.

Kodama S, Fujiwara S, Okawa J, Shitara S, Hori K, Ono T*. (2021): Modulation of tongue motion and tongue pressure during liquid swallowing with different bolus volumes. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 48: 1243-1251, 2021 Nov

Hasegawa Y, Tsuji S, Nagai K, Sakuramoto-Sadakane A, Tamaoka J, Oshitani M, Ono T, Sawada T, Shinmura K, Kishimoto H: The relationship between bone density and the oral function in older adults: a cross-sectional observational study. BMC geriatrics 21(1) 591-591 2021 Oct.

Arita S, Gonda T, Togawa H, Maeda Y, Ikebe K: Influence of mandibular distal extension implant-supported removable partial dentures on the force exerted on maxillary anterior teeth. J Prosthodont Res. 15;65(4):541-545, 2021 Oct.

Kosaka T, Ono T, Kida M, Fushida S, Nokubi T, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y, Ikebe K: Deterioration of periodontal status affects declines in masticatory performance: The Suita study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 48:1208-1215, 2021 Sep.

Nakao Y, Uchiyama Y, Honda K, Hasegawa Y, Nanto T, Jomoto W, Domen K: Tongue pressure waveform analysis for ascertaining the influence of tongue muscle composition on articulation. Journal of oral rehabilitation 48(12) 1347-1353 2021 Sep.

Salazar S, Hasegawa Y, Kikuchi S, Kaneda K, Yoneda H, Nokubi T, Hori K, Ono T: The impact of a newly constructed removable denture on the objective and subjective masticatory function. Journal of Prosthodontic Research 65:346-352, 2021 Aug.

Fushida S, Kosaka T, Kida M, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Miyamoto Y, Ono T, Ikebe K: Decrease in occlusal support area can accelerate tooth loss: the Suita study. Journal of Prosthodontic Research 65:321-326, 2021 Aug.

Hori K, Uehara F, Yamaga Y, Yoshimura S, Okawa J, Tanimura M, Ono T: Reliability of a novel wearable device to measure chewing frequency. Journal of Prosthodontic Research 65:340-345, 2021 Aug.

Fujiwara S, Hori K, Shitara S, Okawa J, Kodama S, Murakami K, Ono T: Effect of hard gummy candy chewing on masticatory function. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 48:909-915, 2021 Aug.

Jiang CM, Chu CH, Duangthip D, Ettinger RL, Hugo FN, Kettratad-Pruksapong M, Liu J, Marchini L,McKenna G, Ono T, Rong W, Schimmel M, Shah N,Slack-Smith L, Yang SX, Lo EC.: Global Perspectives of Oral Health Policies and Oral Healthcare Schemes for Older Adult Populations. Frontiers in Oral Health, doi.org/10.3389/froh.2021.703526, 2021 Aug.

Kusunoki H, Tabara Y, Tsuji S, Wada Y, Tamaki K, Nagai K, Itoh M, Sano K, Amano M, Maeda H, Sugita H, Hasegawa Y, Kishimoto H, Shimomura S, Igase M, Shinmura K: Estimation of Muscle Mass Using Creatinine/Cystatin C Ratio in Japanese Community-Dwelling Older People.  Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 23(5):902.e21-902.e31. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.07.029, 2021 Aug.

Sadakane-Sakuramoto A, Hasegawa Y*, Sugahara K, Horii N, Saito S, Nakao Y, Nanto T, Ono T, Domen K, Kishimoto H: Change in nutritional status and dysphagia after resection of head and neck cancer. Nutrients 13:2438, 2021 Jul.

Murakami K, Tokuda Y, Hori K, Minagi Y, Uehara F, Okawa J, Ishihara,S, Nakauma M, Funami T, Maeda Y, Ikebe K, Ono T: Effect of fracture properties of gels on tongue pressure during different phases of squeezing and swallowing. Journal of Texture Studies 52:303-313. 2021 Jun.

Yoshimoto T, Hasegawa Y, Salazar S, Kikuchi S, Hori K, Ono T: Factors affecting masticatory satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18: 6620, 2021 Jun.

Kosaka T, Ono T, Kida M, Fushida S, Nokubi T, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Miyamoto Y, Ikebe K: Assocoation between declines in objective masticatory performance and salivary stress markers: The Suita study. Journal of Oral rehabilitation 48:575-581, 2021 May.

Swanarpa K, Hasegawa Y, Salazar S, Kikuchi S, Yoshimoto T, Paphangkorakit J, Hori K, Ono T: Can masticatory performance be predictor by using food acceptance questionnaire in elderly patients with removable dentures? Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 48:582-591, 2021 May.

Horii N, Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto-Sadakane A, Saito S, Nanto T, Nakao Y, Domen K, Ono T, Kishimoto H: Validity of a dysphagia screening test following resection for head and neck cancer. Irish Journal of Medical Science 190:67-77, 2021 May.

Hashimoto S, Kosaka T, Nakai M, Kida M, Fushida S, Kokubo Y, Watabnabe M, Higashiyama A, Ikebe K, Ono T, Miyamoto Y: A lower maximum bite force is a risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease: the Suita study. Scientific Reports 11:7671, 2021 Apr.

Komatsu R, Nagai K, Hasegawa Y, Okuda K, Okinaka Y, Wada Y, et al. Association between Physical Frailty Subdomains and Oral Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health 18(6):2931. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18062931, 2021 Apr.

堀 一浩,小野高裕:押しつぶし食の摂食運動.月刊フードケミカル, 37(3):26-32. (総説)2022年3月.

堀一浩,上原文子,戸川瞳,吉村将悟、堀頌子、佐藤理加子,中村由紀,谷村基樹,小野高裕.かむを測り,気づき,変えるための食育プロジェクト:パイロットスタディ.日咀嚼会誌 31(2):83-90, 2021年11月.

池上 聡、太田美樹、中馬 誠、船見隆博、堀 一浩、小野高裕:咀嚼運動測定装置bitescanを用いた市販食品の食感評価の試み. 日本 咀嚼学会雑誌, 31:72-821, 2021年11月.

小野高裕, 堀 一浩:「かむ」を測り、気づき、変えるための食育プロ ジェクト 令和2年度の速報. 新歯 界, 807:39-43.  (総説)2021年11月.

堀 一浩、上原文子、戸川 瞳、吉村将悟、堀 頌 子、佐藤理加子、中村由紀、谷村基樹、小野高裕:かむを測り、気づき、変えるための食育プロジェクト:パイロットスタディ. 日本咀嚼学会雑誌, 31: 83-90, 2021年.

重本 心平, 堀 一浩, 大川 純平, 小野 高裕, 宮島 久. 高齢入院患者における舌圧と栄養リスクおよび食形態との関係. 老年歯科医学 36(2):91-9.  2021年9月

堀 一浩, 上原文子, 吉村将悟, 堀 頌子, 戸川 瞳, 長谷川陽子, 小野高裕: ウェアラブルデバイスによる咀嚼行動モニタリングの現状と展望. 日本 咀嚼学会雑誌, 31: 2-9.(総説)2021年5月

高阪貴之, 小野高裕, 池邉一典:咀嚼機能と動脈硬化性疾患との関わり−都市部一般住民コホート研究より得られたエ ビデンス−. 日本咀嚼学会雑誌, 31: 40-48, 2021.(総説)

小野高裕, 堀 一浩:食事・栄養における咀嚼の重要性. New Diet Therapy, 37: 67-74,(総説)2021年.

長谷川 陽子、玉岡 丈二、永井 宏達、澤田 隆、小野 高裕、辻 翔太郎、 岸本 裕充、新村 健, 引きこもり予防に口腔機能維持は寄与するのか. 会誌「8020」 21:156−159, 2021年.

= 2020年度 令和元年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

小野高裕:第2章 歯の欠損の病因と病態,3. 歯の欠損後の障害.有床義歯補綴学(山下秀一郎,大川周治,佐々木啓一,武部 純,馬場一美,水口俊介 編),35-42, 永末書店,京都,2021年1月.

小野高裕:第1章 摂食嚥下機能とその障害,1. 発達と成熟, B. 正常な嚥下.摂食嚥下障害学(椎名英貴,倉智雅子 編),10-24, 医学書院,東京,2021年3月.

Okawa J, Hori K, Yoshimoto T, Salazar S, Ono T: Higher Masticatory Performance and Higher number of chewing strokes increase retronasal aroma. Front Nutr 8: Article 623507, 2021 Mar.

Komatsu R, Nagai K, Hasegawa Y, Okuda K, Okinaka Y, Wada Y, Tsuji S, Tamaki K, Kusunoki H, Kishimoto H, Shinmura K: Association between Physical Frailty Subdomains and Oral Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(6):2931, 2021 Mar.

Yen Chun G. Liu, Shou-Jen Lan, Hirohiko Hirano, Li-min Lin, Kazuhiro Hori, Chia-shu Lin, Samuel Zwetchkenbaum, Shunsuke Minakuchi, Andy Yen-Tung Teng: Update and review of the gerodontology prospective for 2020's: Linking the interactions of oral (hypo)-functions to health vs. systemic diseases, J Dent Sci, 16(2): 757-773, 2021 Mar.

Murakami K, Tokuda Y, Hori K, Minagi Y, Uehara F, Okawa J, Ishihara S, Nakauma M, Funami T, Maeda Y, Ikebe K, Ono T: Effect of fracture properties of gels on tongue pressure during different phases of squeezing and swallowing. J Texture Stud, e-pub ahead of print, doi.org/10.1111/jtxs.12593, 2021 Feb.

Matsuyama S, Nakauma M, Funami T, Hori K, Ono T: Human physiological responses during swallowing of gel-type foods and its correlation with textural perceptions. Food Hydrocolloids, 111: 106353, 2021 Feb.

Tomita Y, Suzuki Y, Tanaka Y, Hasegawa Y, Yoshihara Y, Okura K, et al.: Effects of sitting posture and jaw clenching on neck and trunk muscle activities during typing. J Oral Rehabil e-pub ahead of print, doi: 10.1111/joor.13152, 2021 Jan.

Hori K, Uehara F, Yamaga Y, Yoshimura S, Okawa J, Tanimura M, Ono T: Reliability of a novel wearable device to measure chewing frequency. J Prosthodont Res, e-pub ahead of print, doi:10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00032, 2021 Jan.

Suwanarpa K, Hasegawa Y, Salazar S, Kikuchi S, Yoshimoto T, Paphangkorakit J, Hori K, Ono T: Can masticatory performance be predicted by using food acceptance questionnaire in elderly patients with removable dentures? J Oral Rehabil, e-pub ahead of print, doi:10.1111/joor.13147, 2021 Jan.

Kosaka T, Ono T, Kida M, Fushida S, Nokubi T, Kokubo Y, et al.: Association between declines in objective masticatory performance and salivary stress markers: The Suita study. J Oral Rehabil, doi.org/10.1111/joor.13146, 2021. Jan.

Tsuji S, Shinmura K, Nagai K, Wada Y, Kusunoki H, Tamaki K, et al. Low back pain is closely associated with frailty but not with sarcopenia: Cross-sectional study of rural Japanese community-dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & gerontology international 21(1):54-9, 2021 Jan.

Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto-Sadakane A, Nagai K, Tamaoka J, Oshitani M, Ono T, Sawada T, Shinmura K, Kishimoto H: Does oral hypofunction promotes social withdrawal in the older adults? a longitudinal survey of elderly subjects in rural Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(23):8904, 2020 Nov.

Kosaka T, Ono T, Kida M, Fushida S, Nokubi T, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Miyamoto Y, Ikebe K: A prediction model of masticatory performance change in 50- to 70-year-old Japanese: the Suita study. J Dent, 104, 103535. doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103535, 2020 Nov.

Fushida S, Kosaka T, Kida M, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Miyamoto Y, Ono T, Ikebe K: Decrease in occlusal support area can accelerate tooth loss: the Suita study. J Prosthodont Res, e-pub ahead of print, doi:10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00005, 2020 Nov.

Arita S, Gonda T, Togawa H, Maeda Y, Ikebe K: Influence of mandibular free-end partial edentulism on the force exerted on maxillary anterior teeth. J Prosthodont Res, 64(4):454-459, 2020 Oct.

Kusunoki H, Tsuji S, Kusukawa T, Wada Y, Tamaki K, Nagai K, et al.: Relationships between cystatin C- and creatinine-based eGFR in Japanese rural community- dwelling older adults with sarcopenia. Clin Exp Nephrol, 25(3):231-9, 2020 Oct.

Salazar S, Hasegawa Y, Kikuchi S, Kaneda K, Yoneda H, Nokubi T, Hori K, Ono T: The impact of a newly constructed removable denture on the objective and subjective masticatory function. Journal of Prosthodontic Research, e-pub ahead of print, doi:10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00045 2020 Oct.

MacEntee M I, Brondani M, Avivi-Arber L, Bartlett D, Donnelly L, Duyck J, Hori K, Karve A, Persson G R, Kettratad-Pruksapong M, Schimmel M, Hon-Ching So F, Thomson W M, Yoon M N, Wyatt C: Clinical Oral Disorders in Adults Screening Protocol (CODA-SP) from the 2019 Vancouver IADR Consensus Symposium. Gerodontology, 38(1): 5-16, 2020 Oct.

Kikuchi S, Hasegawa Y, Salazar S, Kaneda K, Yoneda H, Hori K, Ono T: Factors influencing changes in masticatory performance as a result of wearing removable partial dentures in patients with partially edentulous arches. J Prosthodont, 30(2):150-156, 2020 Sep.

Shitara S, Fujiwara S, Okawa J, Kodama S, Hori K, Ono T: Coordination between lingual motion and pressure production during dipper/tipper type swallows. J Oral Rehabil, 47(12):1479-1488. 2020 Aug.

Horii N, Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto-Sadakane A, Saito S, Nanto T, Nakao Y, Domen K, Ono T, Kishimoto, H (2021). Validity of a dysphagia screening test following resection for head and neck cancer. Ir J Med Sci, 190(1):67-77, 2020 Jul.

Uehara F, Hori K, Murakami K, Okawa J, Ono T. (2020): Differentiation of feeding behaviors based on massetter and supra-hyoid muscle activity. Front Physiol, 11: Article 618, 2020 Jul.

Okawa J, Hori K, Fujiwara S, Uehara F, Shitara S, Kodama S, Ono T: Estimation of pharyngeal residue after swallowing retronasal aroma. J Oral Rehabil, 47(7): 880-888, 2020 Apr.

堀川康平,南都智紀,小野高裕,堀 一浩,皆木祥伴,道免和久: 若年健常者に対する吊り下げばかりを用いた舌−口蓋接触トレーニングの効果.言語聴覚研究,17(3): 146-153, 2020 Sep.

重本心平,堀 一浩,宮島 久,小野高裕: 総合病院入院中の嚥下障害患者における栄養リスク状態に関連する因子. 老年歯科医学,35(2): 106-117, 2020 Sep.

中林 晋也, 大山 哲生, 塩入 重彰, 村上 和裕, 秦 正樹, 宮前 真, 原口 美穂子, 服部 麻里子, 中島 純子, 皆木 祥伴, 藤原 茂弘, 小野 高裕: 下顎顎欠損症例における顎義歯装着による機能回復の有用性. 顎顔面補綴,43(1):19-25,2020 Dec.

小飯塚仁美,堀 一浩,小野高裕.(2020): 上顎欠損患者の顎義歯装着時・非装着時における発音時口腔内圧と音圧の関係. 顎顔面補綴,43(2): 65-72, 2020 Dec.

長谷川 静,米田博行,長谷川陽子,山本孝文,野首孝祠,小野高裕: 歯列交換期の学童における咀嚼能力と体格・身体能力との関係.日本咀嚼学会雑誌,30(2):79-87, 2020 Oct.

堀一浩,小野高裕 舌接触補助床の適応と嚥下機能回復,臨床栄養,137(6): 795-797, 2020 Nov.

= 2019年度 令和元年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

小野高裕: 5章 特殊な口腔内装置を用いる治療.最新歯科衛生士教本 咀嚼障害・咬合異常1 歯科補綴(第2版)(一般社団法人 全国歯科衛生士教育協議会 監修),209-219頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2020.

小野高裕,前田芳信,堀 一浩:第4章 摂食嚥下障害と口腔内装置.新版 開業医のための摂食嚥下機能改善と装置の作り方 超入門(監著:小野高裕,阪井丘芳).54-64頁,クインテッセンス出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕,前田芳信,堀 一浩:第6章 PAPの診断・設計・製作.新版 開業医のための摂食嚥下機能改善と装置の作り方 超入門(監著:小野高裕,阪井丘芳). 74-97頁,クインテッセンス出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕,山鹿義郎:第4章コンプリートデンチャー 補綴前処置の考え方.聞くに聞けない補綴治療100(監修:河相安彦,鷹岡竜一,編集:小宮山道,鎌田征之,稲垣伸彦,松丸悠一).150-151頁,デンタルダイヤモンド,東京,2019.

長谷川陽子,小野高裕: 臨床編T 摂食嚥下障害をもたらす要因,4章 加齢等による要因,4. 咀嚼.歯学生のための摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学(編著:向井美恵,山田好秋,井上 誠,弘中祥司),92-94頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕: 臨床編U 摂食嚥下リハビリテーションの臨床,3章 検査と評価,3. 咀嚼の検査.歯学生のための摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学(編著:向井美恵,山田好秋,井上 誠,弘中祥司),130-134頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕: 臨床編U 摂食嚥下リハビリテーションの臨床,8章 歯科的対応,2. PAP・PLP.歯学生のための摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学(編著:向井美恵,山田好秋,井上 誠,弘中祥司),200-203頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

堀 一浩,小野高裕: 臨床編U 摂食嚥下リハビリテーションの臨床,8章 歯科的対応,3. 顎補綴.歯学生のための摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学(編著:向井美恵,山田好秋,井上 誠,弘中祥司),203-207頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕:U. 咀嚼の評価と管理,1. 咀嚼機能の評価法(歯科補綴学的な咀嚼の評価法).歯科衛生士のための摂食嚥下リハビリテーション 第2版(監修:公益社団法人 日本歯科衛生士会), 74-77頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕, 堀 一浩: 3編 構音障害と補綴歯科.歯科医師のための構音障害ガイドブック(監修:菊谷 武,編著:田村文誉,小野高裕,菊谷 武,吉田光由), 47-69頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

小野高裕: 5. お口のリハビリテーション,5-1. もう一度食べやすく、しゃべりやすくなるために.お口のトラブル 解決します!−補綴歯科へようこそ−(編集:公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会),44-45頁, 医歯薬出版,東京,2019.

Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto-Sadakane A, Yoshida M, Yoshikawa M, Nozaki S, Hikasa S, Horii N, Sugita H, Ono T, Shinmura K, Kishimoto H: Basic survey for the prevention of intraoral residual medication in older adults: A pilot study. Gerodontology, 37(1) 93-96, 2020.

Fujii K, Kosaka T, Hasegawa Y, Kida M, Hashimoto S, Fushida S, Nokubi T, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Miyamoto Y, Ikebe K, Ono T: Periodical utilization of dental services is an effective breakthrough for declining masticatory performance: the Suita study. Odontology, doi: 10.1007/s10266-020-00501-3. [Epub ahead of print]

Kida M, Ono T, Kokubo Y, Yoshimuta Y, KosakaT, Kikui M, Yamamoto M, Ikebe K, Maeda Y, Nokubi T, Nishimura K, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Miyamoto Y: Decreased masticatory performance is related to increased intima-media thickness in a general urban Japanese population: The Suita study. J Prosthodont Res, doi: 10.1016/j.jpor.2019.10.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Nishinari K, Ishihara S, Hori K, Fang Y: Tongue-palate squeezing of soft gels in food oral processing. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 99: 117-132, 2020.

Murakami K., Hori K., Minagi Y., Uehara F., Salazar S. E., Ishihara S., Nakauma M., Funami T., Ikebe K., Maeda Y. Ono T: Coordination of tongue pressure production, hyoid movement, and suprahyoid muscle activity during squeezing of gels. Arch Oral Biol, 111:104631, 2020.

Murakami K., Minagi Y., Hori K., Uehara F., Salazar S. E., Inoue M., Maeda Y., Ikebe K., Ono T: Evaluation of hyoid movement during swallowing using a bend sensor. J Oral Rehabil, 47(3):339-345, 2020.

Nakamura Y, Nakajima T, Sasakawa Y, Tsukuno S, Sakurai R, Kurosawa M, Iwase Y, Saitoh I, Hori K, Hayashi T, Hayasaki H: Influence of food adhesivity and quantity in lip closing pressure. Physiol Behav. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2019.112743.

Hasegawa Y, Horii N, Sakuramoto-Sadakane A, Nagai K, Ono T, Sawada T, Shinmura K, Kishimoto H: Is a history of falling related to oral function? A cross-sectional survey of elderly subjects in rural Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(20):3843, 2019.

Kakimoto N, Shimamoto H, Kitisubkanchana J, Tsujimoto T, Senda Y, Iwamoto Y, Verdonschot RG, Hasegawa Y, Murakami S: T2 relaxation times of the retrodiscal tissue in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders and in healthy volunteers: a comparative study. Oral Surg Oral Mede, Oral Pathol Oral Radiol, 128(3): 311-318, 2019

Kurihara K, Fukui T, Sakaue K, Hori K, Ono T, Saito I: The effect of tongue thrusting on tongue pressure production during swallowing in adult anterior open bite cases. J Oral Rehabil, 2019 46(10):895-902, 2019.

Igarashi K, Watanabe Y, Kugimiya Y, Shirobe M, Edahiro A, Kaneda K, Hasegawa Y, Ito M, Hirano H, Sakurai K, Ono T, Inagaki H, Awata S, Kawai Y: Validity of a visual scoring method using gummy jelly for evaluating chewing efficiency in a large-scale epidemiological survey. J Oral Rehabil, 46(5) 409-416, 2019

Salazar S., Hori K., Uehara F., Okawa J., Shibata A., Higashimori M., Nokubi T., Ono T: Masticatory performance analysis using photographic image of gummy jelly. J Prosthodont Res, 64:48-54, 2019.

Okawa J., Hori K., Fujiwara S., Uehara F., Shitara S., Kodama S., Ono T: Estimation of Pharyngeal Residue after Swallowing by Retronasal Aroma. J Oral Rehabil. Accept (28-Mar-2020)

森 隆浩, 吉川峰加, 吉田光由, 菊谷 武, 小野高裕, 津賀一弘, 水口俊介, 櫻井 薫: 舌接触補助床装着前後の最大舌圧および嚥下時舌圧の変化に関する多施設共同研究. 老年歯科医学 34(1):86-93, 2019.

西脇恵子, 小野高裕: 2019. 舌接触補助床(PAP)を用いたリハビリテーション. 顎顔面補綴 42(1):1-3, 2019.

塩入重彰, 村上和裕, 秦 正樹, 宮前 真, 中林晋也, 大山哲生, 原口美穂子, 服部麻里子, 中島純子, 皆木祥伴, 藤原茂弘,小野高裕: 上顎欠損患者において顎義歯は外科的再建よりも機能回復に有用か? 顎顔面補綴 42(1):18-23, 2019.

村上和裕, 塩入重彰, 秦 正樹, 宮前 真, 中林晋也, 大山哲生, 原口美穂子, 服部麻里子, 中島純子, 皆木祥伴,藤原茂弘,小野高裕: インプラント治療は上顎欠損患者の機能回復に有用か? 顎顔面補綴 42(1):24-32, 2019.

秦 正樹, 宮前 真, 塩入重彰, 村上和裕, 中林晋也, 大山哲生, 原口美穂子, 服部麻里子, 中島純子, 皆木祥伴,藤原茂弘,小野高裕: インプラント治療は下顎欠損患者の機能回復に有用か? 顎顔面補綴 42(1):33-38, 2019.

小野高裕:健康リスクとしての咀嚼障害と義歯治療の効果−超高齢社会の歯科的戦略−.群馬県歯科医学会雑誌23: 1-6, 2019.

坂上 馨, 栗原加奈子, 深町直哉, 阿部 遼, 堀 一浩, 小野高裕, 齋藤 功: 骨格性下顎前突症患者の顎矯正手術後における嚥下時舌圧発現様相の解析. 日本顎変形症学会雑誌29(1): 42-50, 2019

= 2018年度 平成30年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

小野高裕:演習10 グミゼリーを用いたスコア法による咀嚼能力測定.歯科衛生士のための口腔機能管理マニュアル(公益社団法人日本衛生士会監修), p.200-203, 医歯薬出版,東京,2018年7月.

小野高裕:第32章 顎顔面補綴, 歯学生のパーシャルデンチャー第6版(赤川安正,岡崎定司,志賀 博,横山敦郎編), p.298-306, 医歯薬出版,東京,2018年8月.

小野 高裕, 山鹿 義郎, 菊地 さつき: 第2章 口腔機能低下症、咀嚼機能検査 口腔機能評価に関する検査 咀嚼機能・能力検査. 補綴臨床 別冊 保険適用新技術完全マスター!(佐藤裕二,坪田有史編), p. 38-44,医歯薬出版,東京,2018年11月

Kakimoto N, Shimamoto H, Kitisubkanchana J, Tsujimoto T, Senda Y, Iwamoto Y, Verdonschot R.G, Hasegawa Y, Murakami S: T2 relaxation times of the retrodiscal tissue in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders and healthy volunteers. A comparative study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, 2019 Feb. Epub ahead of print

Fukuoka T, Ono T, Hori K, Wada Y, Uchiyama Y, Kasama S, Yoshikawa H, Domen K.: Tongue Pressure Measurement and Videofluoroscopic Study of Swallowing in Patients with Parkinson's Disease. Dysphagia. 34(1): 80-88, 2019 Feb.

Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto A, Sugita H, Hasegawa K, Horii N, Sawada T, Shinmura K, Kishimoto H.: Relationship between oral environment and frailty among older adults dwelling in a rural Japanese community: a cross-sectional observational study. BMC Oral Health. 19(1): 23, Jan 22, 2019.

Igarashi K, Watanabe Y, Kugimiya Y, Shirobe M, Edahiro A, Kaneda K, Hasegawa Y, Ito M, Hirano H, Sakurai K, Ono T, Inagaki H, Awata S, Kawai Y.: Validity of a visual scoring method using gummy jelly for evaluating chewing efficiency in a large-scale epidemiological survey. J Oral Rehabil. 46(5):409-416, Jan 13, 2019.

Tamaki K, Kusunoki H, Tsuji S, Wada Y, Nagai K, Itoh M, Sano K, Amano M, Maeda H, Hasegawa Y, Kishimoto H, Shimomura S, Shinmura K.: The Relationship between Dietary Habits and Frailty in Rural Japanese Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Observation Study Using a Brief Self-Administered Dietary History Questionnaire. Nutrients. 10(12), Dec 14, 2018.

Kosaka M, Kida M, Kikui S, Hashimoto K, Fujii M, Yamamoto M, Nobuki Y, Maeda Y, Hasegawa Y, Kokubo M, Watanabe A, HigashiyamaY, Miyamoto Y, Ono T: Factors influencing the changes in masticatory performance: The Suita Study. JDR Clin Trans Res, 3: 405-412, 2018 Oct.

Iizumi T, Yoshino M, Kagaya H, Hori K, Ono T.: Effect of tongue-palate contact mode on food transport during mastication. J Oral Rehabil. 45(8): 605-611, 2018 Aug.

Fujiwara S, Fujiu-Kurachi M, Hori K, Maeda Y, Ono T.: Tongue Pressure Production and Submental Surface Electromyogram Activities During Tongue-Hold Swallow with Different Holding Positions and Tongue Length. Dysphagia. 33(4): 403-413, 2018 Aug.

Minagi Y, Ono T, Hori K, Fujiwara S, Tokuda Y, Murakami K, Maeda Y, Sakoda S, Yokoe M, Mihara M, Mochizuki H.: Relationships between dysphagia and tongue pressure during swallowing in Parkinson's disease patients. J Oral Rehabil. 45(6): 459-466, 2018 Jun.

Takeishi R, Magara J, Watanabe M, Tsujimura T, Hayashi H, Hori K, Inoue M. Effects of pharyngeal electrical stimulation on swallowing performance. PLoS One. 2;13(1):e0190608, 2018 Jan.

Yano J, Aoyagi Y, Ono T, Hori K, Yamaguchi W, Fujiwara S, Kumakura I.: Effect of bolus volume and flow time on temporospatial coordination in oropharyngeal pressure production in healthy subjects. Physiol Behav. 189: 92-98, May 15, 2018.

Choi Y. H, Kosaka T, Ojima M, Sekine S, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y, Ono T, Amano A.: Relationship between the burden of major periodontal bacteria and serum lipid profile in a cross-sectional Japanese study. BMC Oral Health. 18(1): 77, May 4, 2018.

Iguchi T, Ohkubo M, Sugiyama T, Hori K, Ono T, Ishida R.: Effects of water viscosity and tongue ingestion site on tongue pressure during food bolus propulsion. J Oral Rehabil. 45(5):371-377, 2018 May.

Moritaka H, Mineki M, Kobayashi M, Ono T, Hori K.: Effect of carrot puree in vegetable juice on linguapalatal swallowing pressure. J Texture Stud. 49(2): 240-246, 2018 Apr.

小野 高裕, 堀 一浩, 藤原 茂弘:咀嚼・嚥下運動解析システムの開発とその展開 診断・治療・リハビリテーション・食品開発に向けて(総説).新潟歯学会雑誌 48(1):1-15,2018年6月.

長谷川陽子, 堀井宣秀, 櫻本亜弓, 杉田英之, 小野高裕, 澤田 隆, 永井宏達, 新村 健, 岸本裕充: 丹波圏域在住高齢者における転倒リスクと口腔機能との関連性. 老年歯学 32(4): 468-476, 2018年.

長谷川陽子, 堀井宣秀, 櫻本亜弓, 杉田英之, 小野高裕, 澤田 隆, 新村 健: 口腔機能低下は高齢者の転倒リスクを高めるのか? 公益財団法人8020推進財団会誌 18: 136-139, 2018 12月.

岸本裕充, 長谷川陽子, 櫻本 亜弓, 堀井 宣秀, 澤田 隆: 丹波篠山圏域在住高齢者におけるQOLと口腔機能との関連性.公益財団法人8020推進財団会誌 18: 140-143, 2018 12月.

南都 智紀, 小野 高裕, 堀 一浩, 福岡 達之, 児玉 典彦, 道免 和久:ばねばかりを用いた簡易な舌-口蓋接触トレーニングの開発 ばねばかりによる牽引負荷が舌圧に与える影響.言語聴覚研究 15(2):62-70, 2018年6月.

= 2017年度 平成29年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

Ono T, Kida M, Kosaka T, Kikui M. Oral health and cardiovascular disease: recent findings and future view with a novel aspect. Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine, 565-572, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017.

小野高裕,木戸寿明,金田 恒:グミゼリーを使った「いつでも どこでも 誰にでも」できる 咀嚼能力測定マニュアル.一般社団法人 新潟県歯科医師会,新潟,2018.

小野高裕,堀 一浩,藤原茂弘:11. 顎口腔機能治療における歯科技工/3. 摂食機能療法における歯科技工. 全国歯科技工士教育協議会編『最新歯科技工士教本 歯科技工実習』,166-169,医歯薬出版,東京,2017.

小野高裕, 他:第T部 ライフステージごとの咀嚼.咀嚼の本2 −ライフステージから考える咀嚼・栄養・健康−(日本咀嚼学会編),2-59, 口腔保健協会, 東京, 2017.

大川純平,小野高裕: 第II部 咀嚼に関するQ and A.「人や食品によって噛む回数が異なるのはなぜでしょうか?」. 咀嚼の本2−ライフステージから考える咀嚼・栄養・健康−(日本咀嚼学会編), 98-99, 一般財団法人 口腔保健協会, 東京, 2017.

設楽仁子, 小野高裕: 第II部 咀嚼に関するQ and A.「誤嚥が一番気になります。注意点を教えてください.」. 咀嚼の本2−ライフステージから考える咀嚼・栄養・健康−(日本咀嚼学会編), 146-147, 口腔保健協会, 東京, 2017.

小野高裕:Part2-1 咀嚼機能をアップするには何が必要なの?.咀嚼機能アップBOOK(小野高裕,増田裕次 監著),46-51,クイッテッセンス,東京,2018 

小野高裕,金田恒: Part2-2 咀嚼機能評価@グミゼリーを用いた咀嚼能率測定法とその活用.咀嚼機能アップBOOK(小野高裕,増田裕次 監著),52-65,クイッテッセンス,東京,2018.

堀一浩: Part3 咀嚼指導はこんなふうに実践できる!新潟大学医歯学総合病院義歯診療科の場合.咀嚼機能アップBOOK(小野高裕,増田裕次 監著),146-147,クイッテッセンス,東京,2018.

Takeishi R, Magara J, Watanabe M, Tsujimura T, Hayashi H, Hori K, Inoue M: Effects of pharyngeal electrical stimulation on swallowing performance. PLoS One 13(1):e0190608, 2018.

Yano J, Aoyagi Y, Ono T, Hori K, Yamaguchi W, Fujiwara S, Kumakura I: Effect of bolus volume and flow time on temporospatial coordination in oropharyngeal pressure production in healthy subjects. Physiol Behav 189:92-98, 2018.

Takahashi K, Hori K, Hayashi H, Fujiu-Kurachi M, Ono T, Tsujimura T, Magara J, Inoue M: Immediate effect of laryngeal surface electrical stimulation on swallowing performance. J Appl Physiol 124(1):10-15, 2018.

Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Sato N, Sato M, Minagawa K, Shimada M, Nishimuta M, Ansai T, Yoshitake Y, Ono T,Miyazaki H: A 5-year longitudinal study of association of maximum bite force with development of frailty in community-dwelling older adults. J Oral Rehabil. 45(1):17-24. 2018

Minagi Y, Ono T, Hori K, Fujiwara S, Tokuda Y, Murakami K, Maeda Y, Sakoda S, Yokoe M, Mihara M, Mochizuki H: Relationships between dysphagia and tongue pressure during swallowing in Parkinson’s disease patients. J Oral Rehabil 2018. [Epub ahead of print]

Iguchi T, Ohkubo M, Sugiyama T, Hori K, Ono T, Ishida R: Effects of water viscosity and tongue ingestion site on tongue pressure. J Oral Rehabil 2018. [Epub ahead of print]

Hasegawa Y, Tachibana Y, Ono T, Kishimoto H: Flavour-enhanced cortisol release during gum chewing. PLoS One 12(4):e0173475, 2017.

Schimmel M, Ono T, Lam O L, Muller F: Oro-facial impairment in stroke patients. J Oral Rehabil 44(4):313-326, 2017.

Funami T, Matsuyama S, Ikegami A, Nakauma M, Hori K, Ono T: In vivo measurement of swallowing by monitoring thyroid cartilage movement in healthy subjects using thickened liquid samples and its comparison with sensory evaluation. J Texture Stud 48(6):494-506, 2017.

Moritaka H, Mineki M, Kobayashi M, Ono T, Hori K: Effect of carrot puree in vegetable juice on linguapalatal swallowing pressure. J Texture Stud 2017. [Epub ahead of print]

Kikui M, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Kida M, Kosaka T, Yamamoto M, Watanabe M, Maeda Y, Miyamoto Y.: Relationship between metabolic syndrome and objective masticatory performance in a Japanese general population: The Suita study. J Dent 56:53-57, 2017.

Matsuka Y, Hagiwara Y, Tamaki K, Takeuchi H, Fujisawa M, Ono T, Tsukiyama Y, Nagao K, Tsuga K, Aita H, Kondo H, Fueki K, Tsukasaki H, Nishigawa K, Ozawa S, Kuwatsuru R, Minakuchi H, Iinuma T, Matsuura T, Ishibashi K, Fujii S, Hirai T, Sasaki K, Yatani H, Igarashi Y, Sato Y, Ichikawa T, Yamamori T, Kuboki T, Baba K, Koyano K, Sato H,Matsumura H: Reliability and validity of the patient disability-oriented diagnostic nomenclature system for prosthetic dentistry. J Prosthodont Res 61(1):20-33, 2017.

Kikui M, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Kida M, Kosaka T, Yamamoto M, Watanabe M, Maeda Y, Miyamoto Y: Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome Components and Periodontal Disease in a Japanese General Population: the Suita Study. J Atheroscler Thromb 24(5):495-507, 2017

Kon H, Kobayashi H, Sakurai N, Watanabe K, Yamaga Y, Ono T: Personal computer versus personal computer/mobile device combination users' preclinical laboratory e-learning activity. J Investig Clin Dent 8(4). 2017

Li Q, Minagi Y, Ono T, Chen Y, Hori K, Fujiwara S, Maeda Y: The biomechanical coordination during oropharyngeal swallowing: an evaluation with a non-invasive sensing system. Sci Rep 7(1):15165, 2017.

Fujiwara S, Fujiu-Kurachi M, Hori K, Maeda Y, Ono T: Tongue Pressure Production and Submental Surface Electromyogram Activities During Tongue-Hold Swallow with Different Holding Positions and Tongue Length. Dysphagia 2017. [Epub ahead of print]

Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto A, Kishimoto H, Ono T: Influence of Sourness on Higher Brain Functions. Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 7:1000631, 2017.

Hasegawa Y, Kakimoto N, Tomita S, Fujiwara M, Ishikura R, Kishimoto H, Honda K: Evaluation of the role of splint therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular joint pain on the basis of MRI evidence of altered disc position. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 45(4):455-460, 2017.

Hasegawa Y, Kakimoto N, Tomita S, Fujiwara M, Ishikura R, Kishimoto H, Honda K: Clinical study of splint therapeutic efficacy for the relief of temporomandibular joint discomfort. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 45(11):1772-1777, 2017.

Sakuramoto A, Hasegawa Y, Sugahara K, Komoda Y, Hasegawa K, Hikasa S, Kurashita M, Sakai J, Arita M, Yasukawa K, Kishimoto H: New paste for severe stomatitis in patients undergoing head-and-neck cancer radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy with oral appliance. BMC Cancer. 2018 Mar 2; 18(1):245, 2018.

Kusunoki H, Tsuji S, Wada Y, Fukai M, Nagai K, Itoh M, Sano K, Tamaki K, Ohta Y, Amano M, Maeda H, Hasegawa Y, Kishimoto H, Shimomura S, Yoshikawa H, Shinmura K.: Relationship between sarcopenia and the serum creatinine/cystatin C ratio in Japanese rural community dwelling older adults. JCSM Clinical Reports 3(1):e00057, 2017.

長谷川陽子, 堀井宣秀, 櫻本亜弓, 杉田英之, 小野高裕, 澤田隆, 岸本裕充: 丹波圏域在住高齢者における転倒リスクと口腔機能との関連性. 老年歯科医学 32(4):468-476, 2018

堀 一浩, 小野 高裕: 特殊補綴装置による機能回復 舌接触補助床(PAP)による嚥下機能回復. 日本補綴歯科学会誌 9(4):334-338, 2017

堀 一浩, 小野 高裕: 顎顔面補綴のノウハウを一般歯科治療に活かす 周術期口腔機能管理や摂食嚥下機能療法における顎顔面補綴的ストラテジー. 日本補綴歯科学会誌 9(3):175-180, 2017


= 2016年度 平成28年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

吉川峰加, 小野高裕, 津賀一弘: 舌圧検査. / 新 よくわかる顎口腔機能 咬合・摂食嚥下・発音を理解する, 141-142, 医歯薬出版, 東京, Feb 2017.

昆はるか, 佐藤直子, 小野高裕: 咀嚼と頭部運動. / 新 よくわかる顎口腔機能 咬合・摂食嚥下・発音を理解する, 160-163, 医歯薬出版, 東京, Feb 2017.

長谷川陽子, 小野高裕: 咀嚼と循環応答. / 新 よくわかる顎口腔機能 咬合・摂食嚥下・発音を理解する, 164-166, 医歯薬出版, 東京, Feb 2017.

藤原茂弘, 小野高裕: 臼歯ガイダンス. / 新 よくわかる顎口腔機能 咬合・摂食嚥下・発音を理解する, 229-230, 医歯薬出版, 東京, Feb 2017.

金田 恒, 小野高裕. 咬合面形態と咀嚼. / 新 よくわかる顎口腔機能 咬合・摂食嚥下・発音を理解する, 239-241, 医歯薬出版, 東京, Feb 2017.

堀 一浩, 小野高裕.歯列・咬合欠損. / 新 よくわかる顎口腔機能 咬合・摂食嚥下・発音を理解する, 256-258, 医歯薬出版, 東京, Feb 2017.

小野高裕: 21世紀は「食べる」時代 「食べる」を考えたことがありますか? / 老いと「食べる」, 130-133, 新潟大学歯学部, 新潟, 2016.

Funami T, Matsuyama S, Ikegami A, Nakauma M, Hori K, Ono T. Measurement of swallowing by monitoring thyroid cartilage movement in healthy subjects using thickened liquid samples and its comparison with sensory evaluation. Journal of Texture Studies, [Epub ahead of print] 12:e0173475, Apr 2017.

Hasegawa Y, Tachibana Y, Ono T, Kishimoto H. Flavour-enhanced cortisol release during gum chewing. Plos One, Feb 2017.

Kikui M, Ono T, Kokubo Y, Kida M, Kosaka T, Yamamoto M, Nokubi T, Watanabe M, Maeda Y, Miyamoto Y: Relationship between metabolic syndrome and objective masticatory performance in a japanese general population: The suita study. J Dent. 56:53-57, Jan 2017

Schimmel M, Ono T, Lam O, Muller F. Oro-facial impairment in stroke patients. J Oral Rehabil 44:313-326, Apr 2017.

Matsuka Y, Hagiwara Y, Tamaki K, Takeuchi H, Fujisawa M, Ono T, Tsukiyama Y, Nagao K, Tsuga K, Aita H, Kondo H, Fueki K, Tsukasaki H, Nishigawa K, Ozawa S, Kuwatsuru R, Minakuchi H, Iinuma T, Matsuura T, Ishibashi K, Fujii S, Hirai T, Sasaki K, Yatani H, Igarashi Y, Sato Y, Ichikawa T, Yamamori T, Kuboki T, Baba K, Koyano K, Sato H, Hideo Matsumura H. Reliability and validity of the patient disability- oriented diagnostic nomenclature system for prosthetic dentistry. J Prosthodont Res. 61:20-33, Jun 2017.

Ohnishi Y, Ito K, Kitamura R, Funayama S, Hori K, Inoue M: Importance of professional oral hygiene in preventing medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. IJOMS 15:85-92, 2016.

Izuno H, Hori K, Sawada M, Fukuda M, Hatayama C, Ito K, Nomura Y, Inoue M: Physical fitness and oral function in community-dwelling older people: A pilot study. Gerodontology 33:470-479, Dec 2016

Kon H, Kobayashi H, Sakurai N, Watanabe K, Yamaga Y, Ono T: Personal computer versus personal computer/mobile device combination users' preclinical laboratory e-learning activity. J Invest Clin Dent [Epub ahead of print] Nov 2016

Kikui M, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Kida M, Kosaka T, Yamamoto M, Watanabe M, Maeda Y, Miyamoto Y: Relationship between metabolic syndrome components and periodontal disease in a japanese general population: The suita study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 24:495-507, May 2016.

Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Sato N, Sato M, Taylor GW, Ansai T, Ono T, Miyazaki H: Maximum bite force at age 70 years predicts all-cause mortality during the following 13 years in Japanese men. J Oral Rehabil. 43:565-574, Aug 2016

Tamaki K, Ishigaki S, Ogawa T, Oguchi H, Kato T, Suganuma T, Shimada A, Sadamori S, Tsukiyama Y, Nishikawa Y, Masumi S, Yamaguchi T, Aita H, Ono T, Kondo H, Tsukasaki H, Fueki K, Fujisawa M, Matsuka Y, Baba K, Koyano K.: Japan Prosthodontic Society position paper on “occlusal discomfort syndrome”. J Prosthodont Res. 60:156-66, Jul 2016

Hirose T, Ono T, Maeda Y: Influence of wearing a scuba diving mouthpiece on the stomatognathic system - considerations for mouthpiece design. Dent Traumatol 32:219-224, Jun 2016

Fujio T, Sato F, Tachibana Y, Kato T, Tomita A, Higashiyama K, Ono T, Maeda Y, Yoshida A: Revisiting the supratrigeminal nucleus in the rat. Neuroscience 324:307-320, Jun 2016

Sato N, Ono T, Kon H, Sakurai N, Kohno S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Ten-year longitudinal study on the state of dentition and subjective masticatory ability in community-dwelling elderly people. J Prosthdont Res. 60:177-184, Jun 2016

Kosaka T, Ono T, Kida M, Kikui M, Yamamoto M, Yasui S, Nokubi T, Maeda Y, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y: A multi-factorial model of masticatory performance: the Suita study. J Oral Rehabil 43: 340-347, May 2016.


= 2015年度 平成27年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

小野高裕: 第1章 歯・口腔・顎・顔面の構造と機能 / 歯・口腔・顎・顔面の機能 / 咀嚼機能, 第5章 咀嚼障害 / 咀嚼障害の特徴, 咀嚼障害の検査・評価, 咀嚼障害の治療. 言語聴覚士のための臨床歯科医学・口腔外科学(第2版) (道 健一 他編), 29-35(第1章), 164-180(第5章), 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2016 Mar.

小野高裕: 第2章 診察、検査、診断 / V. 診断と治療計画の立案. 無歯顎補綴治療学(第3版) (市川徹雄 他編), 78-85, 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2016 Feb.

河野正司, 金田 恒: 補綴臨床テクニカルノート 咬合編. 医歯薬出版株式会社, 東京, 2015 Nov.

小野高裕: U. 老年歯科医学の実際 / 2. 口腔機能管理 / 2. 咬合と口腔機能の評価. 老年歯科医学 (森戸光彦 他編), 215-221, 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2015 Oct.

小野高裕, 田中みか子, 藤原茂弘, 大川純平, 田中正信: 咬合面再形成. 補綴臨床別冊「なぜ壊れ,どう直すのか Denture Repair 部分床義歯・全部床義歯・インプラントオーバーデンチャー」(村田比呂司, 馬場一美 編), 87-91, 医歯薬出版株式会社, 東京, 2015 May.

河野正司, 金田 恒: 補綴臨床テクニカルノート 床義歯編. 医歯薬出版株式会社, 東京, 2015 Apr.

Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Sato N, Sato M, Taylor GW, Ansai T, Ono T, Miyazaki H: Maximum bite force at age 70 years predicts all-cause mortality during the following 13 years in Japanese men. J Oral Rehabil, 2016 Mar (accepted).

Fujio T, Sato F, Tachibana Y, Kato, Tomita A, Higashiyama K, Ono T, Maeda Y, Yoshida A: Revisiting the supratrigeminal nucleus in the rat. Neuroscience 324: 307-320, 2016 Mar (Epub ahead of print).

Tamaki K, Ishigaki S, Ogawa T, Oguchi H, Kato T, Suganuma T, Shimada A, Sadamori S, Tsukiyama Y, Nishikawa Y, Masumi S, Yamaguchi T, Aita H, Ono T, Kondo H, Tsukasaki H, Fueki K, Fujisawa M, Matsuka Y, Baba K, Koyano K: Japan Prosthodontic Society position paper on “occlusal discomfort syndrome”. J Prosthodont Res, 2016 Jan (Epub ahead of print).

Sakaue K, Fukui T, Sasakura C, Hori K, Ono T, Saito I: Tongue pressure production during swallowing in patients with mandibular prognathism. J Oral Rehabil, 2016 Jan (Epub ahead of print).

Sato N, Ono T, Kon H, Sakurai N, Kohno S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Ten-year longitudinal study on the state of dentition and subjective masticatory ability in community-dwelling elderly people. J Prosthodont Res, 2015 Dec (Epub ahead of print).

Kosaka T, Ono T, Kida M, Kikui M, Yamamoto M, Yasui S, Nokubi T, Maeda Y, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y: A multifactorial model of masticatory performance: the Suita study. J Oral Rehabil, 2015 Dec (Epub ahead of print).

Nishiura M, Ono T, Yoshinaka M, Fujiwara S, Yoshinaka M, Maeda Y: Pressure production in oral vestibule during gum chewing. J Oral Rehabil 42: 900-905, 2015 Dec.

Hirose T, Ono T, Maeda Y: Influence of wearing a scuba diving mouthpiece on the stomatognathic system - considerations for mouthpiece design. Dent Traumatol, 2015 Oct (Epub ahead of print).

Taniguchi H, Nakayama H, Hori H, Nishizawa M, Inoue M, Shimohata T: Esophageal involvement in multiple system atrophy. Dysphagia 30(6): 669-673, 2015 Oct.

Sogawa Y, Kimura S, Harigai T, Sakurai N, Toyosato A, Nishikawa T, Inoue M, Murasawa A, Endo N: New swallowing evaluation using Piezoelectricity in normal individuals. Dysphagia 30: 759-767, 2015 Oct.

Kikui M, Ono T, Kida M, Kosaka T, Yamamoto M, Yoshimuta Y, Yasui S, Nokubi T, Maeda Y, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y: Does the utilization of dental services associate with masticatory performance in a Japanese urban population?: the Suita study. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research. published online on September 26 2015.

Asahi Y, Omichi S, Ono T: Orodental status and medical problems of stroke inpatients undergoing rehabilitation at a rehabilitation hospital in Japan. Gerodontology 32: 237-240, 2015 Sep.

Funami T, Isono M, Ikegami A, Nakao S, Nakauma M, Fujiwara S, Minagi Y, Hori K, Ono T: Throat sensations of beverages evaluated by in vivo measurements of swallowing. J Texture Stud 46:187-199, 2015 Jun.

Li Q, Minagi Y, Hori K, Kondoh J, Fujiwara S, Tamine K, Inoue M, Maeda Y, Chen Y, Ono T: Coordination in oro-pharyngeal biomechanics during human swallowing. Physiol Behav 147: 300-305, 2015 May.

Kondoh J, Ono T, Tamine K, Fujiwara S, Minagi Y, Hori K, Maeda Y, Kreissl M, Nitschke I: Effect of complete denture wearing on tongue motor biomechanics during swallowing in edentulous elderly. Geriatric Gerontology International 15(5): 565-571, 2015 May.

Kon H, Botelho MG, Bridges S, Leung KC: The impact of complete denture making instructional videos on self-directed learning of clinical skills. J Prosthodont Res 59(2): 144-151, 2015 Apr.

小野高裕, 堀 一浩, 藤原茂弘, 皆木祥伴: 咀嚼・嚥下における舌圧の意味と可能性. 日補綴会誌 8(1): 46-51, 2016 Jan.

近藤尚知, 尾澤昌悟, 澤瀬 隆, 横山敦郎, 関根秀志, 舞田建夫, 鮎川保則, 中野 環, 久保隆靖, 細川隆司, 友竹偉則, 城戸寛史, 越智守生, 塩田 真, 尾関雅彦, 西村正宏, 前田芳信, 會田英紀, 玉置勝司, 笛木賢治, 塚崎弘明, 小野高裕, 松下恭之, 松香芳三, 水口 一, 桑鶴利香, 山下秀一郎, 飯塚知明, 馬場一美, 藤澤政紀, 古谷野 潔, 矢谷博文: 下顎大臼歯部欠損に対しインプラント支持固定性補綴装置による治療介入時に付与すべき咬合様式. 日補綴会誌 8(1): 1-9, 2016 Jan.

鈴木 拓, 神田知佳, 辻村恭憲, 堀 一浩, 井上 誠: 小脳橋角部髄膜腫摘出術後に嚥下障害を認めた一例. 新潟歯学会誌 45(2): 43-47, 2015 Dec.

金子広美, 金谷 貢, 小野高裕, 野村修一: Cu含有量の異なる金銀パラジウム合金の接触腐食における腐食面のXPS分析. 日補綴会誌 7(4): 371-379, 2015 Oct.

小野高裕, 堀 一浩, 藤原茂弘: 舌圧検査: 新しい評価ツールへの期待. 嚥下医学 4(2): 178-181, 2015 Sep.

枝広あや子, 渡邊 裕, 平野浩彦, 古屋純一, 中島純子, 田村文誉, 北川 昇, 堀 一浩, 原 哲也, 吉川峰加, 西 恭宏, 永尾 寛, 服部佳功, 市川哲雄, 櫻井 薫, 日本老年歯科医学会ガイドライン委員会: 認知症患者の歯科的対応および歯科治療のあり方−学会の立場表明2015−. 老年歯科医学 30(1): 3-11, 2015 Jun.

昆 はるか, 佐藤直子, 櫻井直樹, 金城篤史, 山田一穂, 小林 博, 金田 恒, 野村修一: 複数評価者による全部床義歯後縁外形評価の一致性. 日補綴会誌 7(2): 154-160, 2015 Apr

澤井明香, 工藤典代, 細山田康恵, 野首孝祠, 杉崎幸子, 藤井 仁, 吉牟田陽子, 小野高裕: 検査用グミゼリーを用いた幼児の咀嚼能力の評価. 日本咀嚼学会雑誌 25(1): 15-22, 2015.

小野高裕:口腔機能評価のための機器開発. 日本抗加齢医学会雑誌 11(2): 46-52, 2015 Apr.


= 2014年度 平成26年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

小野高裕:正常な嚥下.熊倉勇美,椎名英貴編『標準言語聴覚障害学/摂食嚥下障害学』,12-26, 医学書院,東京,2014.

Hori K, Hayashi H, Yokoyama S, Ono T, Ishihara S, Magara J, Taniguchi H, Funami T, Maeda Y, Inoue M: Comparison of mechanical analysis and tongue pressure analyses during squeezing and swallowing of gel agents. Food Hydrocolloids, 44: 145-155, 2015 Feb.

Yamaga Y, Kanatani M, Nomura S: Usefulness of a rotation-revolution mixer for mixing powder-liquid reline material. Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 59(1):71-78, 2015 Jan.

Yano J, Aoyagi Y, Ono T, Hori K, Yamaguchi W, Fujiwara S, Kumakura I, Minagi S, Tsubahara A: Sequential coordination between lingual and pharyngeal pressures produced during dry swallowing. BioMed Research International, Article ID 691352, 2014 Dec.

Fujiwara S, Ono T, Minagi Y, Fujiu-Kurachi M, Hori K, Maeda Y, Boroumand S, Nitschke I, Ursula V, Bohlender J: Effect of supraglottic and super-supraglottic swallows on tongue pressure production against hard palate. Dysphagia, 29(6):655-662, 2014 Dec.

Hashimoto M, Igari K, Hanawa S, Ito A, Takahashi A, Ishida N, Koyama S, Ono T, Sasaki K: Tongue pressure during swallowing in adults with Down Syndrome and its relationship with palatal morphology. Dysphagia, 29(4): 509-518, 2014 Aug.

Kondoh J, Ono T, Tamine K, Fujiwara S, Minagi Y, Hori K, Maeda Y, Kreissl M, Nitschke I: Effect of complete denture wearing on tongue motor biomechanics during swallowing in edentulous elderly. Geriatric Gerontology International, Epub ahead of print, 2014 Aug.

Hamanaka-Kondoh S, Kondoh J, Tamine K, Hori K, Fujiwara S, Maeda Y, Matsumura T, Yasui K, Fujimura H, Sakoda S, Ono T: Tongue pressure during swallowing is decreased in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscular Disorders, 24(6):474-481, 2014 Jun.

Kosaka T, Ono T, Yoshimuta Y, Kida M, Kikui M, Nokubi T, Maeda Y, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y: The effect of periodontal status and occlusal support on masticatory performance: the Suita study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 41(5):497-503, 2014 May.

Iwashima Y, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Yoshimuta Y, Kida M, Kosaka T, Maeda Y, Kawano Y, Miyamoto Y: Additive interaction of oral health disorders on risk of hypertension in a Japanese urban population: The Suita Study. American Journal of Hypertension, 27(5):710-719, 2014 May.

Fueki K, Ohkubo C, Yatabe M, Arakawa I, Arita M, Ino S, Kanamori T, Kawai Y, Kawara M, Komiyama O, Suzuki T, Nagata K, Hosoki M, Masumi S, Yamauchi M, Aita H, Ono T, Kondo H, Tamaki K, Matsuka Y, Tsukasaki H, Fujisawa M, Baba K, Koyano K, Yatani H: Clinical application of removable partial dentures using thermoplastic resin. Part II: Material properties and clinical features of non-metal clasp dentures. Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 58(2):71-84, 2014 Apr.

Kosaka T, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Sekine S, Kida M, Kikui M, Yamamoto M, Watanabe M, Amano A, Maeda Y, Miyamoto Y: Salivary inflammatory cytokines may be novel markers of carotid atherosclerosis in a Japanese general population: the Suita study. Atherosclerosis, 237(1):123-128, 2014 Nov.

伊谷康弘,小野高裕,城下尚子, 藤原茂弘,高阪貴之,皆木祥伴,菊井美希,徳田佳嗣,西浦麻侑,前田芳信,山本雅章,來田百代,藤尾隆史,村上和裕:上顎腫瘍術後患者における早期顎義歯の有効性.顎顔面補綴, 37(2):1-9, 2014 Dec.


= 2013年度 平成25年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

Yamashita-Mikami E, Tanaka M, Sakurai N, Yamada K, Ohshima H, Nomura S, Ejiri S: Microstructural observation with microCT and histological analysis of human alveolar bone biopsy from a planned implant site: A case report. The Open Dentistry Journal, 17(7):47-54, 2013.

Saito T, Izumi K, Shiomi A, Uenoyama A, Ohnuki H, Kato H, Terada M, Nozawa-Inoue K, Kawano Y, Takagi R, Maeda T: Zoledronic acid impairs re-epithelialization through down-regulation of integrin αvβ6 and transforming growth factor beta signaling in a three-dimensional in vitro wound healing model. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 43(3): 373-380, 2014.

Ito K, Nomura A, Nomura S, Watanabe K: Effects of low-energy electron beam irradiation on flexural properties of self-curing acrylic resin. Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 58(1): 55-61, 2014.


= 2012年度 平成24年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

Makita S, Al-Shawafi HA, Sultana S, Sohda M, Nomura S, Oda K: A dimerization defect caused by a glycine substitution at position 420 by serine in tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase associated with perinatal hypophosphatasia. Federation of European Biochemical Societies, 2279(23):4327-37, 2012.

Kon H, Sakurai N, Tanaka M, Kobayashi H, Sato N, Makita S, Yoshida R, Kai A, Nomura S: Sequential analysis of head movement during mandibular open-close movements in TMD patients with disk displacement with reduction. The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice, 30(4):1-8, 2012.

林 苧Y,小林 博:回転切削機器による技工操作時における局所振動伝搬の加速度計による評価.日本補綴歯科学会誌 5: 47-55, 2013.

増田裕次,片山慶祐,久保大樹,高阪貴之,昆 はるか,斉藤未来,土岡寛和,槙原絵理,椋代寛之,森 隆浩,森野智子, 渡辺一彦,山口正人,黒岩昭弘,吉川峰加,津賀一弘:多方位口唇閉鎖力測定における測定部保持法と固定法の相違.日本顎口腔機能学会誌18(2): 132-138, 2012.


= 2011年度 平成23年度 =

■ 業績集(論文)

河野正司, 金田 恒:補綴臨床テクニカルノート クラウンブリッジ編, 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2011.

Tanaka M, Yamashita E, Anwar B.R, Yamada K, Ohshima H, Nomura S, and Ejiri S: Radiological and histologic studies of the mandibular cortex of ovariectomized monkeys, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 111(3):372-80, 2011.

Yamada K, Hoshina H, Arashiyama T, Arasawa M, Arai Y, Uoshima K, Tanaka M, Nomura S: Immediate implant loading following computer-guided surgery. Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 55(4):262-5, 2011.

Yamashita-Mikami E, Tanaka M, Sakurai N, Arai Y, Matsuo A, Ohshima H, Nomura S, and Ejiri S: Correlations between alveolar bone microstructure and bone turnover markers in pre- and post-menopausal women. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 115(4): 12-e19, 2012.

Miyako H, Suzuki A, Nozawa-Inoue K, Magara J, Kawano Y, Ono K, Maeda T: Phenotypes of articular disc cells in the rat temporomandibular joint as demonstrated by immunohistochemistry for nestin and GFAP. Journal of Anatomy, 219(4):472-80, 2011.

Ali MN, Kobayashi T, Tanaka M, Ohshima H, Ejiri S, Saito C: Effects of intermittent parathyroid hormone treatment on new bone formation during distraction osteogenesis in the rat mandible. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 114(1):36-e42, 2012.

Magara J, Nozawa-Inoue K, Suzuki A, Kawano Y, Ono K, Nomura S, Maeda T: Alterations in intermediate filaments expression in disc cells from the rat temporomandibular joint following exposure to continuous compressive force. Journal of Anatomy, 220(2): 612-621, 2012.

Satou Y, Al-Shawafi HA, Sultana S, Makita S, Sohda M, Oda K: Disulfide bonds are critical for tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase function revealed by analysis of mutant proteins bearing a C(201)-Y or C(489)-S substitution associated with severe hypophosphatasia. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1822(4):581-8, 2012.

Kawasaki M, Nomura S, Okada N, Nomura A, Uoshima K: Evaluation of newly developed devices for denture placement and removal in the dependent elderly. Gerodontology 29(2): 703-709, 2011.

Taga H, Azuma Y, Maehara K and Nomura S: Effects of changes in vertical occlusal dimension on heart rate Fluctuation in guinea pigs. in vivo 26:177-182 , 2012.

金城篤史,河野正司,昆 はるか,佐藤直子,甲斐朝子,小林 博,櫻井直樹,野村修一:タッピング運動時における下顎運動量と体幹運動量との関連.日本顎口腔機能学会誌18(2): 115-124,2012.

渡邉清志:「コンプリートデンチャーの維持安定および咬合平衡を高めるために」〜印象採得・咬合採得・人工歯排列・歯肉形成の各工程の基本事項と必要条件を再考する〜. 日本歯技,507:37-44,2011.


= 2010年度 平成22年度 =


野村修一(分担):フレアアウトした前歯の治療,交叉咬合症例の治療.Dawson Functional Occlusion(小出 馨 監訳),医歯薬出版,東京,445-464,2010.

小林 博(分担)神経筋歯科治療:生体電子機器. Dawson Functional Occlusion(小出馨 監訳),医歯薬出版,東京:371-380,2010.

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